Rivningsorder på Tent of Nations.
Mitt i alla dessa nyheter och tankar och åsikter kring Ship to Gaza fick jag ett mail från en vän på Västbanken. Han och hans familj har en gård uppe på en kulle på Västbanken och driver ett projekt som kallas Tent of Nations. Där sker ett praktiskt ickevåldsmotstånd mot bosättarna som breder ut sig på kullarna omkring. Daod och hans familj ser till att bruka jorden och tar gärna dit internationella grupper för aktiviteter, information och gudtjänster. Jag själv har varit där och hjälpt till med mandelskörden och byggt drakar. Nu har familjen fått rivningsordrar från israeliska militären på 9 byggnader inom området, och det handlar om plåtskjul, boskapsbyggnader, tält och grottor. Detta trots att familjen påvisat att de helt legalt köpt och äger marken, som dessutom ligger mitt på den palestinska Västbanken. Det här är verkligen ingen engångsgrej, utan sånt här sker mest hela tiden. Att man dessutom sätter rivningsordrar på grottor som är äldre än Israeliska staten för att de byggts utan bygglov (vilka generellt sett inte utfärdas till palestinier över huvud taget) vore ju komiskt om det inte vore så tragiskt.
"Dear Tent OF Nations friends all over the world
I am writing to express my deepest concern about the demolition orders
issued by the Israeli Civil Administration for nine structures on the
land owned by the Nassar family near Nahalin (West Bank) on May 27th,
2010. I understand that the Israeli Military Authority has now informed the Nassar family’s lawyer after a request for an appeal that the proposed demolition is to go ahead, with five days’ ‘grace’ being given.
The Nassar family has repeatedly proven its ownership of the land, which it bought in 1916. Aside from regular farming activities, the land is used to facilitate encounters between people of different nations and build bridges of understanding. For these reasons I think it is an outrage not only to the basic human rights of this family but to the process of human tolerance and understanding that the Israeli Civil Administration has ordered the demolition of these structures.
I fear the demolition orders are part of a larger on-going campaign to drive the family from the land, which would then become available for settlement activities, in violation of international law.
I strongly urge you to use this intervening period to look into this case, and to use your position to ensure that the family and their land are left untouched to continue to work on their valuable projects and that the appropriate authorities are aware of the immense international support for this family and their venture, and the damaging consequences to the perception of Israel that will result among their many supporters, should the demolition go ahead.
I would gently ask you to write updates for the for the following addressess and offices :Office of Tony Blair, the EU delegation to Israel, British Embassy Tel Aviv and British Consulate Jerusalem, using these addresses:
[email protected];
[email protected];
[email protected];
[email protected];
Thank you for your prompt attention to this urgent matter.
Best regards,
Ruth Cape & Bshara Nassar"
I am writing to express my deepest concern about the demolition orders
issued by the Israeli Civil Administration for nine structures on the
land owned by the Nassar family near Nahalin (West Bank) on May 27th,
2010. I understand that the Israeli Military Authority has now informed the Nassar family’s lawyer after a request for an appeal that the proposed demolition is to go ahead, with five days’ ‘grace’ being given.
The Nassar family has repeatedly proven its ownership of the land, which it bought in 1916. Aside from regular farming activities, the land is used to facilitate encounters between people of different nations and build bridges of understanding. For these reasons I think it is an outrage not only to the basic human rights of this family but to the process of human tolerance and understanding that the Israeli Civil Administration has ordered the demolition of these structures.
I fear the demolition orders are part of a larger on-going campaign to drive the family from the land, which would then become available for settlement activities, in violation of international law.
I strongly urge you to use this intervening period to look into this case, and to use your position to ensure that the family and their land are left untouched to continue to work on their valuable projects and that the appropriate authorities are aware of the immense international support for this family and their venture, and the damaging consequences to the perception of Israel that will result among their many supporters, should the demolition go ahead.
I would gently ask you to write updates for the for the following addressess and offices :Office of Tony Blair, the EU delegation to Israel, British Embassy Tel Aviv and British Consulate Jerusalem, using these addresses:
[email protected];
[email protected];
[email protected];
[email protected];
Thank you for your prompt attention to this urgent matter.
Best regards,
Ruth Cape & Bshara Nassar"